Stock Smart Delayed Service - $4.95 Monthly.
Professional Portfolio Manager
True Portfolio Management
online. Enter transactions as you make them, we do the rest!
Automatic updating of current positions and P&L statements.
We make Smart Investing easy showing you diversification
profiles, and your weighting versus the market and S&P.
Anticipation is the name of the game.
Smart Quotes & Graphing
Intraday graphs! Stock prices
pulled or pushed to your desktop. Links to news and trading details for
the U.S., Canada, and 64 other Countries.
Ownership of stocks. Stocks owned within Mutual
- Comprehensive
Access Institutional-quality analysis. Another
first for Investors from Stock Smart!
Smart Screens TM will show you the Stocks to
Week in
Review / Month in Review
Research profiles of "What's
working," and "What's not."
See each Stock's performance in relation to its
Industry and the S&P 500 Index.
Go Beyond the NAV! Stock Smart independenty rates each
Fund and its performance vs. the S&P 500. Let our Wizard help
you select the winning Funds.
Wide Markets - 66 Countries
See performance at the Industry
and Company level for each market around the world.
much, much more
Your financial Advisor. Watches the market for you!
Receive customized Alerts.
Reveals stock-price patterns, helping you
anticipate the best times to Buy and Sell.
- Time
- Price Change
- Percent Change
- 52 Week/Low
- Percent Volume Up
- News
Feature Descriptions
Professional Portfolio Manager
Now you can analyze your holdings. Are you heavy on technology? Wouldn't you like to know?
Track a variety of securities, including:
- Stocks
- Options
- Corporate Bonds
- Mutual Funds
- Money Markets
- Cash
- Performance Analysis: Evaluate your Stocks within the
pertinent Industry Group. Know which trade at a
Discount or
- We calculate the valuation dynamically, adjusting Your
Portfolio, tick-by-tick, and handling splits and ticker changes
for you.
- Your Portfolio supplies you with news on the companies
you follow, and access to Technical Analysis, and Alerts.
is simply the
best tool for managing your holdings!
- Profiles by Industry, and by Company for over 6,000 companies.
- Earnings drive growth and wealth. See the patterns, and
position yourself in front of the herd. Don't get trampled!
Unlimited Smart Quotes
Why Smart Quotes? More than just a price, Smart Quotes links you through to
Comprehensive Company Profiles,
which include:
- Earnings
- Consensus Recommendations
- News, Corporate Actions
- Company Filings
- Historical Graphs
- Institutional Holdings
From Smart Quotes, link from the name to the Company page,
or from the ticker to the Ticker Detail page.
Shareholder Data
- Institutional Holdings
- See who is buying and selling, and learn from the patterns?
- Mutual Fund Holdings
- Do you know what stocks your Fund owns?
Comprehensive Research
Knowledge is Power, make it
- Identify performance patterns by industry, and by company
- Analysis by Large, Mid, Small and Micro Cap
- Profiles by exchange, and by country/region
- Earnings momentum, and more!
- IPO performance analyzed by Industry and Manager
- Do you know which Brokerage Firms brought the successful
Stock Screening
- Are you a Value Buyer, a Momentum Buyer?
- Perhaps a Contrarian Seller or Momentum Seller?
- Maybe a Quant?
Pick your Screening Criterion, Investment Style, and Focus.
Our Smart Screens
help you pick the most attractive Stocks to Buy and Sell.
Industry Rollups
Only Stock Smart TM
can analyze Industry Groups as well as Stocks, and show you which Stocks
excel or trail the peer group.
Stock SmartTM
shows you the full Universe of Stocks by
Industry with links to each of the 118 SubIndustry and 28 Industry
Profiles. We data mine the terabytes to show the performance
patterns that matter to you.
- Price Performance
- Market Cap - Big Cap to Small Cap
- P/E Valuation - Premium/Discount to the Peer Group
Chart each Industry's track record in multiple time
frames. With such in-depth Industry analysis, you can see the
patterns to facilitate decision making and maximize returns.
Mutual Funds
See the Best and Worst performing funds with our Objective and Independent Ranking.
Just as we do for Stocks, we adjust the NAV for distributions, splits and mergers.
Access your Fund's:
- Returns in multiple time frames, as you specify.
- Relative performance, vis-a-vis other similar Funds and
- Stock diversification profile (ours alone!)
We also
provide the Fund's:
- Assets
- Fund manager
- Turnover, expense ratio and load
- Contact Information
World Wide Markets - Stocks in 66 Countries
Stock Smart gives you the advantage, with prices
streaming in tick-by-tick from the U.K., France, Germany, Canada,
Mexico, Austria, Denmark, and Sweden, and end-of-day for 34 others.
See the specialized Currency Converter, with information on 70
currencies updated continuously.
Stock and Index Options
What's in a name? We are not only
Stock Smart, but Option Smart as well.
See the Full Universe of Stock and Index Options by company, updated tick-by-tick.
Over 1,000 Corporate Bonds Profiled and Analyzed.
Search the Universe of News by
ticker, and by Industry, to find only the stories that interest
We stream news by Industry and have Feature areas
for the following:
- Upcoming Splits
- Dividends
- Ticker Symbol Changes
- The Web
- IPOs, Mergers and Acquisitions
- Earnings announcements
Special Features
See Profiles of the Dow 30, Nasdaq 100, and Internet Stocks compiled for your easy access.
In addition to these tools, we have special pages that can add to your knowledge base, and
more is coming.